My 19thbirthday dinner with love @ Sky Lounge

Save my best birthday post for the last :D
That's my b'day dinner with my love!
This year my 2nd year celebrating my birthday with him, well.. I really have a lot of unforgettable b'day memories with him in this 2012 ! :D
Ahhhh, I'm laughing again ! ;pp Even blogging I still can be so happy -.- HAHA!

When I was waiting for him to prepare, I keep capturing but It's just only one photo can be save at last. Lol.
I loves my hair color so much in this picture :( I swear I will go to dye again before CNY!

We having the birthday dinner at SKY LOUNGE  :)
A nice place for chilling and celebrating.

My boss of the night ;)
Thanks for everything !

The birthday girl :D

Make up of that night, going simple.

The drinkssss. Taste not bad, but it's not very enough for me. LOL
I can't recall what's the name of the food we ate, don't mind me.

Spaghetti with garlic bread.

Fish and chips.

Thank you love !

Really love going out with this boy, we have so much things to talk about as if there is no tomorrow :p

I have no idea why I'm so busy on reply message even boyf candid also didn't know. lol

Guyss.. I got my birthday cake by a very special way in this year ! ;)
I still can't forget that night when the staff brought in the cake to me, and the DJ wished me happy birthday with a microphone. It can be considered all the customer in sky lounge that night, all also looking at me.
Feeling a bit fishy right? hahaha!
But I just love romantic and surprises, don't you think is kinda excited when you get some surprises? Lol
I'm not saying I'm a very romantic girl, but it's seems like all the girl also love it ;)
It was much more unforgettable memory to me, if compare to last year :')

Well, that's my little birthday cheese cake in this year.
I saw the cake was yummy so much, so I forced myself to eat a lil bit even it's a cheese cake.
It was really fat for me to eat, that's why I need to resists the temptation. Lol.

Sorry that I have no capture when I make a wish .
Since I just think to settle the cake as fast as I can. Hahaha!

Yeaaahhhhh ~ settled finally ! ;)

Outfit of boyf.
Purple colorrrrr. The first time he try to wear with this freeesh color ;)

Oufit of the night. 
Black in color. It's always the first choice color for me, ever ;)

Before leaving, camwhore againnnn.

Sweet couple, FOREVER ;p

Birthday gift from the boyf .

Samsung camera (BLACK)
This b'day gift is kinda useful to me. Since boyf knows that I'm a self-loving girl so that he bought me this.
He was always very aware of my thoughts. Great boyf ! haha

That's all for this year birthday post !
Thanks to my boyf for the dinner & drinks for that night, although it was a very earlier celebration for me.
But still, it's more than enough :)


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