The silly working partner ;)

The snake queen who always grabbed me out to 'snake' when during working time. 
And this snake queen always accompanied me when we work in the same shift.
She consider is one of my BEST friend in my life.

Of course we usually camwhored during our 'lazy' time or break time.
She is KARMEN LEE, one of my favorite working partner :)

  She sent me this spots box today during my break time.
She said that something inside the box was my birthday present. (Yess, my birthday is coming SOON!) She keep asking me to open it, so alright I trust her at last and opened it. When I opened..... ZZzzzzZZZzz..... 
It was just a free gift from IPOH PARADE! WTH -.- I was cheated.
Btw, she said this is my real present hints? Lol.

The black spots box.
The so-called present for me ><
Pen container! -.-

4 more days! I really can't wait to meet you babe! ;')
I'm gonna celebrate my 18th birthday in this coming Friday with my boyfieee!
Wootss! It sounds so excited right? Yess! I did very excited and expected! X) 
How will I spend my birthday in this year? Grinsss. Do please look forward to.

Alright alright. I'm gonna sign off now.
It's almost 3am. Tired, sleepy, tired.... (doze off)
Goodnight readers. Goodnight babe!

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