Happy Birthday To My Boy !

Today I'm going to blog about my boyf's 20th birthday.
We planned to have a birthday trip at KL during boyf's birthday eve (10th of March) until 12nd of March. Not to forget,  boyf's birthday eve was a working day. Guess everyone was busy that day, so of course it influence very terrible traffic jam in KL. Feel super bored when traffic jam. Tsk tsk!

Back to the topic....
 Made him a Pikachu shape bread so he can eat before we start off our journey. He always skip breakfast and I don't like it when he do that. Well, thank god I successfully manage to surprise him and made him sweet at last! A bit proud of myself. LOL. I just want to make him to have a sweet birthday morning. As a girlf, all I want to do is just to make him smile. Something this kind of childish things I do, it really works! Haha. 
We are staying in boyf's place for 2 nights- SURIAMAS condo.
We direct to dress up after we reached there since we don't want to waste our shopping time.
Boyf's say he loves that I painted red nail polish. So I painted during his birthday (;
Ready to go Sunway pyramid. My loves!

Most of the bloggers like to mention 'outfit of the day'
and so I follow the rule. Lol just kidding
Outfit of my boyf (;
Go to Sunyway pyramid to having our brunch. Here we are Yips kitchen.
While waiting for the food to be served.
Our brunch.
I wonder why the food here is so delicious. Lol.
Especially this chicken rice!
Trust me, you must try the chicken rice. Oh damn, never expected that the chicken rice could be that delicious, seriously .

Considered 'dessert' for us. HAHAHAH..
At night we went to petaling street to walk around.
We just wearing casual outfit to there since that's a place like 'pasar malam'.
After petaling street, the next round we go to SS15 to having our supper! That could be considered a gathering place of teenagers. Crowd a lot! I like almost every places of KL. Haha .
With da cutie birthday boy! Mwahss!
I was wearing NIKE T-shirt to sleep.
I really love this NIKE T-shirt so much. Please please please say is nice.. haha! .
Before 12am... countdown for boyf's birthday! 5,4,3,2,1..
Mwahsss! HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY babeeee! ♥ :D
Blurry picture.
Haaaaaaa! Trying to be cute :b
Goodmorninggggg~ Give a sweet morning kiss to boyf.
We wake up around 11something on that day. Because we think to wake up early and go to One utama for shopping. My first time stepped into this shopping mall. Lol.
With da birthday boy that I loves sooo much! ♥
Outfit of the second dayyy ;b
Boyf's tummy is getting bigger & bigger. My god. Hahha.
Mine.... Pink color skirt and not so curl hair on me.
On the way to 'face to face' to having our breakfast. After that, ONE UTAMA!
 Well, I bought a men bag from PADINI for my boyf as a birthday present. That's a nice bag and boyf loves it too! How nice? Scroll down to dinner part and you can see how nice is it. (Not very clearly lah)
Look at the boyf so cute and carrying the NEMO fish that his mummy gave to him. Hehe.
Wink oh wink !
Every journey is considered our photo shooting day. I'll keep asking boyf to take picture with me.
This time I asked him to kiss with this NEMO. Who knows, he really did -.- Haha.
Boyf bought me this when we at Sungeiwang....
Hand made cookies, chocolate chips with no nuts! I'm definitely will going to buy again!
If you love cookies, you must love it. Thumbs upppp! (;
 When the night comes....
We going back to condo because I wanted to wash my hair. Super anti going out with messy hair!
After that, went to Sushi King to have a birthday dinner.

Birthday boyyyy. Peace oh peace ! Muaahhh !

 The ambiance I give 9/10. I like the decorate of this sushi king shop.
But I would give more rates to those sushi. Muaahha.
My fatty boyf with his new bag. Not bad werrrrr ! (;

Pictures of me with my messy hair and the sushi king shop sign.
I wonder why my curls won't just stay long enough, dingggg !
We trying to be cute againnnnn. Weeeeee ! ;p
Tie up my fringe when we on the way going home.
 Trying to spoil my photo, ishhh! I want to try to spoil his photo next time too, HAHA.
Here comes my new hairband . Dang dang dang dang * 
It costs RM13. Goddamn ! I want to kill myself !
My loyal entertainer, my loyal beloved.
And this is the last day we stay in KL. The birthday boy Voovuiken with his gf Leepingyee.
Bangun pagi~~~~gosok gigi~~~~ HAHAHAH !
Boyf trying to make a new hairdo at the last day trip.
He comb up his fringe and show his forehead. The FIRST TIME.....(;
 Boyf wore SUB shirt at last day, and his face was freaking like 'ah biao' in this photo.
 Non stop laughing when I editing this photo.
But compared this picture with the picture below, HAHAHAHAHA

 Now you can laugh, HAHA !
Is like MAGICCCCC. From ah biao become lengzai. Laughing*
 I'm  not big head, I just sit down and the boyf capture from top, that's why my head look so big here.
Just want to show off my new hairband even it's sooo simple. HAHA.
Just feel that this couple looks freaking odd in this picture...Lol.

Went to boyf's UNI@ Taylors to collect his RM200 book voucher.
After that we went to Sunway pyramid again. Having our brunch at ICIBAN RAMEN.
Afraid the food is not going to be nice, but no choice. Just try it !
Boyf ordered this Japanese cha siu noodles. Taste nice ! (;
And I ordered this set of Fried rice with sour-spicy chicken.
The fried rice is totally different with other restaurant. So delicious !
Look like a boss. ROFL!
End the post with our self-loving photos. LOL.

Alright, that's all about the 3days 2nights of my boyf's 20th birthday. I can say actually I had the first time and most special birthday celebration with him :)  Of course I also know we used a lot of money on planning this trip. Somemore I broken his Iphone....
we need RM200 to repair it. Really is a not-so-happy things :'( But boyf never blamed me. He keep saying, if the problem can be solved with money, then it's not a problem. Arrrghhh! Why he so optimistic? :( Uhmm, perhaps that person is me? I felt heartache which I know what he did is just to put a smile on my face and don't want to let me feel guilty. I was so touched and happy that time babe, truly happy :'* Thanks for your forgiveness.
See readers, how can I not love this boy more? Muaaahhhhs ! :**

Last but not least,
HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY babe ! I love you ! 

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