The Two Parties At CLUB 9.

The boyfriend who occasionally accompanied me when I working.
He will purposely accompany me to having lunch every time when I want him to accompany.
Although I have only one hour, he also accompanied me as usual, NEVER complain.
That's why I love him so much? HAHA!
 Baby play candid again when I don't pay attention to him ==
We having our lunch at Sushi king :)
The first time I ate sushi with baby ♥ 

Took photo by baby's iphone :***

The two of us ate 15 plates! I LOVE SUSHI EVER!
In front of Funny's house....
When baby on the phone, I quickly take the camera and help him to take photo :D
Baby wearing coat that night, OHMYGOD! He is just so handsome for me on that night! 

Hello baby, smile for me pleaseeeee :)) ♥
Couple pics of that night :**

PARTY-ING in Club9!

Woahh! My baby's face soooo RED == But beware, he didn't drunk :))
Since he still need to take care me. Hahah!
I love you, Voo Vui Ken :'')) Do you? :** ♥
Baby start 'wing' dyyyyy ~
Thanks Funny to help us to snap this photo.
Since I love this photo sooooo much! :DD

Baby is in KL now :'(( He went to KL for studying. 
I miss him soooooo much T*T
Biii, do take care yourself there alright? I will miss you all the time! ♥

Alright, I've already done with this post.
Thanks for your reading :) TATA.

I love you, VOO VUI KEN ♥

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