Genting Trip.

Harloooo everyyyoneeee~
I had an awesome Genting trip with my parents and cousin on yesterday.
The main reason we go to Genting is to visit my beloved twins sister. 

Since daddy lazy to drive so we took van to go there. RM50 each person, no expensive at all.
I sit with my cousin, OCT. We keep talking and talking in the van, a lot of gossip... NON STOP -.- But after about an hour, my spirit began to slowly reduce. So I choose to stop chatting and take nap. 
The snack that we eat in the van, 'bin bin mi guo' ;)

Around 10something, we reached Genting finally. We direct go to KFC to having our breakfast. I'm not very like to eat KFC but no choice, have to follow parents since they all also want to eat. Lol.
Camwhore while waiting for sister come to meet us.

My daddy and mummy. 
Just feel like my parents's smile so good :D

Me with parents.

With the cousin.
I will become a gossip girl once I meet her ;*
I love her smile too! :b

Candid hereeeee.
Awwrhhhhh~ this kid is freaking handsome.
He was very successful to attract my attention. XD

After sister came and found us, we direct go to First World shopping.
Sooooo happy to see you sister! :') Miss you a lot :'D

Sister:  Come on, show me your teeth! 
Eeeeeeeeeee ;D

My sister. She really thin alot than before.
This photo can prove that I didn't lie :)

Messy hair, untidy outfit, cacat pose.
Totally a sucks picture!! But sister this silly girl said got feeeeeel~ -.-'

Daddy mummy with the chubby 'choi shen yeh'! ;)

Three of us :b
The kid spoiled this photo -.-

Before going back, we went to Genting Resort World hotel to take photo.

Daddy :*

Mummy :*

The BEST cousin :*

Last, myself.

We around 8pm something reached home. After that, I direct go to remove make up and bath.
After done all the things, my cousin brother only date me and my boyfriend go to OTK STUDIO -.-

That's my first time without make up to go out with boyfriend.
Hope that I didn't scare him huh :bb

I'm looks so haggard without mke up :'(

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