
Came back from Genting on 19th of Feb. (!@#$%`&*)
Last Sunday morning, I followed my mom and aunt went to greentown for having our breakfast and after that shopping session at parade. Accompanied my mom to change her birthday present since she doesn't like the design that me and sister chose. Lol.

While waiting for my aunt....
Take picture with sister's FAVORITE doggie, PATRICK!
P/s: I'm not a big fan of Patrick doggie, I like cat more. Well, cat without mouth. Which is HelloKitty!
I wish I could use my own money to get a large HelloKitty on next month. Start saving moneyyy (;

The boyf say my cloths like the MY FM famous DJ, Ah beng =.=
I was like WTx when I heard this. I keep explaining to him that the design of the cloth is fashion. I feels this cloth is COOL! LOL
Anyway that's my sister's new year cloth, hehehehe. I simply love the design!

Yes, this is the security guard's cloth that boyf was talking about -.-

After parade shopping session, we went to mom's BESTSIS's house to gossip. After that, wait for the boyf come and we went to Tesco to buy some materials of spaghetti (; 
 YESS! My mom was cooking spaghetti on that day and I ate a big plates of it. Hehe! Whenever my mom & my boyf cooks this food, I will eat a lot and a lot. Is showing them how much I appreciate they cooking one of my favorite food for me :b
To be honest, I don't know much about cooking. But I will try to cook back for family and boyf next time. Tasty or not, I can't guarantee. But, I try alright? :b

Materials of spaghetti....

Spaghetti with tomato bazil garlic sauce cooked by the mom. Yummy!
I rate it 10/10! (;

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