The great working partner ever.

Yeah, this is my first post about my upcoming birthday! Grinss.
Will be spending my 18th birthday with my boyfieee and maybe family on this coming Friday!
Woohoooo! Sooo expected! X) ;*

Well, working noon shift today and guess what, my favorite working partner and my supervisor sent me a spots box again! But this time is different. Because that really has a present and a mini birthday card inside the box! ;) Awwww! Really feeling so touch during the moment :')

This is the mini birthday card that they two sent for me :*
Look carefully, that card has my name, PY! ;)
Contents of the card.
Thankyou for the birthday wishes :*
And this! 
I expect to get this nail polish and I finally got it! ;) Really thanks both of them.
I love these three color! :* :*  Especially the DARK BLUE!
Gonna paint these color on my finger nails tomorrow! Woohooo!
Once again, thanks for the present and wishes huh girls! :')

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