Saturday, Sunday.

My family and I were invited to attend daddy's uncle's 80th birthday party on last Saturday night.

That night, me trying to dress up myself as prettiee as I could :)
Simply likey this picture. Especially my SMILE here? ;b
 My beloved daddy and mummy.
Mwaahhhh! Love you both! ;**
'The Twins sister'.
Sister and me ;)

And another pair of 'TWINS SISTER' ;D
Myself and mumyyyyyy!

Last Sunday.
On the way to daddy's nephew's new shop.
I tried to make a new hairdo on that day. But it seems failed. 
Since this hairdo make my face looks bigger >.<
Woots! The first time I use with this color effect to edit my picture. X)
Ermm, it seems soooo colorful right? Yayayy! ;)

Alright guys, I have to sign off now!
So, goodnights everyone.
goodnights babbeeeee :**

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