Simple UPDATED .

Sorry readers,
my SINGAPORE trip post will postpone to update.
Since I have no any extra time to sign in my bloggie. I'm really a little busy girl :((
I will try my best to update as soon as possible alright? smile.

How I wish that I could stay at my home everyday, need not to work, but the pocket money will increase in my wallet automatically. Lol. But I know it's impossible. 
So, let's face the truth !

Btw, I was the girl who can stay at home for 24hours, 48hours, 72hours or even a month !
Really bored death. SOBB.

This photo let myself feeling like.. totally change a different style.
But in fact ... I'm a copy cat ! ;bb 
I copy those female fbook users who captured with their sexy hot RED lips. HAHA!

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