Kl Trip

Hello everyone, I'm back to update my blog.
I'm freaking happy tonight! Because boyf is come back on tomorrow! :D
6 days he was in KL, and it was like 6 years to me, my god. But after tomorrow, I'm not alone anymore (;

Back to my Genting & Kl trip.

Last month I went to Genting & Kl just to relax with my boyf.
Since we have never tried two people went to Genting before. So we decided to go for one day.
Ps: I will continue the genting post when I'm free.

After the amazing genting trip, we direct go to kl. Had a night walk with boyf at the Cheras Pasar malam.

Cheras pasar malam is a god damn big place. It takes time to walk around whole place.
I bet you will sweating a lot after you walked this pasar malam.

When we on the way...

The next morning, ready to Sunway Pyramid !
Boyf was the fastest to finish dress up, and leepingyee was always the last one -.- Lol.

 Before we go out, passed by the mirror. So take picture again. 
Never ending of taking pictures (;

Keep self-loving in the car. Lol.

Two of us :D

I'm so love this picture but sister say so odd. Wtf -.-

After reached Sunway Pyramid, we having our lunch at T Bowl.

While we waiting for the food deserved...

We two always like to act cute or funny. Even we're not. Haha!


This angle makes my face look like a total flat bread -.-
But still gonna upload, haha! Have to show my fugly side too! Lol.

After shopping session, we went to boyf's kl house. 
At the gym room. 

Had our dinner at Sushi King.
Because it was the last Bonanza day during the night. 

The last day. Boyf brought me to eat 'UNCLE SENG wan tan mee'. I'm freaking like wan tan mee there! It was soooo delicious! It is a must try when you have trip at kl. Ohmygodd I'm missing the mee right now T.T
Our outfit of the day. :bb

As usual, camwhored before we going out.

After eating the delicious wan tan mee, I asked boyf fetch me back home just to change another cloth. Lol.
After that, we direct went to Sungai Wang! (:


Genting trip is coming soon,

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