Last Day Of Hatyai Trip.

I created this 'GOODBYE HATYAI' within 5 minutes ! Hoho !
Start the topic....... ;)

While waiting for boyf's family checking out the hotel room, me and boyf same as usual camwhore everywhere (; This time is the boyf asked me to take photo with him..HAHA !
Didn't pay attention...sorry babe !

Wearing couple cloths at the last day again (;

The kid who makes all of us feeling more happy in the whole trip.
We all try to play with this active boy in anytime until we couldn't stand his 'over active personality' and stop to play with him otherwise, I think his voice will gonna hurt our ears. His voice is so....
OH MY ...................................I put on a sad face :( :(

 I don't know why this photo was so freaking funny ! HAHAH ! Cuttie boy's middle finger salutes you ! My god, so hot ! Or he was like me? Didn't know the meaning of this god damn finger? XD I know the meaning, just cheated* LOL actually is the boyf trying his best to teach this cuttie boy one. Spot boyf's hand? HAHA. ;b

He was showing his new cloth... haha :b

I love my shirt sooooooooo much. It is my new cloth which I bought from PHUKET. The shirt got ♥ PHUKET this three words. This is what makes this shirt so special. But you can see this kind of shirt in anywhere -.- since it still got ♥ MY, ♥ THAILAND, etc... And that was the first time I was wearing out.


 God.. I feel like eating it at that time but I was xx -.-LOL
\Fortunately, I didn't order at last ! Because it tastes so odd.

Da boyfieeeee ! :** 

When we on the way going back to IPOH. In the train....
Boyf fever that time.....pity babe ! :'(  Luckily boyf feels better abit when we reached our hometown. So heartache to see you like this babe :( Remember to take good care of yourself in KL ah babe...Don't let me worry about you huh ! Muuahss ! :*

I look so fugly here ! My bread face looks so 'chan' ;((
Maybe the camera is too clear? Impossible. Hahahaha .

Alright, that's one of my memorable trip on my 2012 :)
Nothing much to blog about the last day so just end the post here kay?
At last, today is the first day of the new shopping centre @ AEON opened, I'd like to gather the crowd but no transport. I have to wait until my beloved boyf come back only can go, sighh. Sad case to me. Let's countdown the day that boyf back ah. Goodbyeeeeee.


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