3rd and 4th day @ Hatyai, Phuket.

Well, third day and fourth day was rather excited because it's the day that I bought a lot of things compare to the first and second day. By the way, I didn't spend too much in this trip since every meal also is boyf's family treat. Thank you so much !

Alright, let's we start the post with this GANGSTER BABY!
Boyf helped this cuttie boy to gel up his little fringe and somemore this cuttie boy wearing boyf's sunglasses. Lol look like a gangster baby seriously ! HAHAHA ! But still the cute (;

: Tin qi~ come on, take photo !
 HAHAHA ! The same pose showing out, once again. 

So after having our breakfast, we went to 'cheong wann' beach.
Here we are ! 

Massage on the beach !

Our solo picture....

Goddamn !
I freaking loves this photo ! Will become my fbook cover photo soon ! ;D

I had swollen face here. Anyway, nice photo to me too ! :*

After the beach, we went to here, KARON VIEW POINT to see waterfall.

Well, I was like WHAT THE HELL when I saw this so-called waterfall. Lol.

There got photography service too. That board write : take photo with the hawk with your own camera is 200baths per once but ended up they only charges 100baths. Their job are just discount to tourists. LOL.

Boyf's family. 

Spot the cuttie boy's pose? HAHA !

Boyf with his family.

Me with boyf and his family.

One more againnnn (;

Asked boyf's uncle to help us to take photo but....
I'm not ready yet uncle....... :(

So one more, cheeseeeeee~ x)

Boyf with the new sunglasses. Nice !

All of us was sweaty sweaty, but still manage to enjoy the trip !

Wearing boyf's sunglasses. Hmmm, so cool right? LOL !

On our way to Central Festival Phuket. 

The huge luxury shopping centre, love the design ! :*

LOL! Batman -.-

Boyf with the little fountain (;


Our shopping break at Segafredo.

RED berries with the chocolate cheese ! I loves it hell much !
Sooooo delicious ! It's a must try :b

Well, accompany the boyf go to eat 'MANGO STICKY RICE' during the night.
Boyf was addicted to this food when we in Phuket. Boyf said the taste so awesome ! 
But I think boyf will a bit resists this food nowadays because something happened huh. HAHAHA !

Mango, sticky rice and the coconut milk... mix together, YUMMY !

Well, that's all of the 3rd day (:
And now we continue to the 4th day huh. We down to Hatyai during the fourth day.
When I was wearing the con, boyf kacau kacau ! Btw, I love my hair color here ;)

Done with this simple make up and simple hairdo at last.

Trying to show my weird lips. HAHA !

Different hairdo, different hair color. My baby loves !

Morning kiss to the boyf ! Mwaahhss ! ;*

Scenery outside our room. Hmmmm, not so nice. LOL.

When we reached Hatyai, we direct went to check in hotel.
Here we are LEE GARDENS HOTEL (:

When boyf's family checking in the hotel,
me and boyf playing and taking photo with the cuttie boy in da car.

His cute expressions~ HAHAHA !

After done the check in, we went to this restaurant for having our dinner.

C A N D I D !

Boyf get fever after eating this 'yuu biuu' rice :(( Pity him....
Alright, let's end this post in this weird ending. Lol.
Will be going to update the LAST DAY trip of Hatyai on tomorrow. Ciao !

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