Shopping @ AEON.

Last two weeks, I had a trouble buying bus ticket experience with my boyf.
Boyf brought me to few places just for buying bus ticket -.- 
The ticket was so fast sold out and we found it for few hours. Strongly giving advice not to buy ticket in any special day or buy in very last minute. It is hard to find ticket and you really have to find for quite some time. LOL.

But I understand why boyf so cares about the ticket la. It's because we'll going to SINGAPORE on tonight ! :D
Just to shopping and see the Christmas ambiance in Singapore :D  
Wohoooo !

Come on yeahhhhhh ~!

That day shopping with sister and boyf.
Aeon toilet #  fatty girl .
I'm really getting fatter and fatter ;(
Alright, I've done with this simple post.
Will update Singapore trip post when I come back to Ipoh :)
Stay tuned readersss. 
Tata :)

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