Gathering party @ S.O.S

S.O.S clubbing with the gang on last Sunday.
I remember I make the decision very last minute, Jess keep asking me to go since this date was treat as friend gathering so that means I can't miss out uhhh. I asked boyf to go with me too, ahhaha !
Well, imagine how long I dressed up during that night.. almost half an hour ! LOL. Whenever I go to club, it's consider a really big case for me and I really need around an hour plus to dress up myself. 

All my girl' friends were quite pretty that night :D 
It's so good to say, 'lucky that I'm not the special one.' haha ! XD

Before headed to the party, of course need to camwhore a little :P
Wear a cardigan when going out..of course will take off before entering the club la ;)

Finally done with all make up and ready to party ! ;)

 Okay when party started !
We wanted to capture a kisses photo but we failed to do so. Because of those light effect..

That's my first time stepped into this club - S.O.S

The gang. The group photo :D

After patyyyyyy.
Can you see my boyf's 'hong bok bok' face? ==
His face will became sooooo red after drink beer. Hahha

- T H E E N D -

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