Dragon Boat Festival 2012

Last Saturday is the Dragon Boat Festival. So me, my family and boyf were invited to join a barbeque party which located at my popo's house. And my daddy brought along my doggie to join together. Lol !
It was the first time my boyf celebrated this festival with me and all my relatives, not bad seriously. :D

端午节快乐 ! 

The time boyf and my family bonding time :D
It feels so great that my boyf can get along with my family ! Haha !

 Me without wear con.
Look at my super dark circles, I really can't endure anymore. URGGHH ! ;( 

 There goes my dinner of that night.
Chicken wing, honey sausage, meatball, and grilled corn. The taste really like heaven!
It was really tasty ! Ommggggg I'm so hungry right now....

Mummy said: remove the burnt part, because it's unhealthy ! L O L

Wanna eat mou ??? LOL
Love to use this way to eat sausage. Add on some Mastard sauce, chili sauce and honey. Hmmmm, perfect match ! I think my boyf also think this was more nicer. Hehe!

The Mastard sauce !

Corn is always the preferred barbeque snack of Lee's family.
My cousin sister is very professional ! How come?
Seeeeeeee, corn also can bite like this shape, is it so pro? LOL! ;)

I'm sorry to say, didn't updated much picture for this post. Haha!

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