Labor Day.

Hi there ! Just to let you know there are only one picture in this post ! LOL. 
I'm not going to blog too much about the day.

 I went to Jusco and AEON with my family and my aunt on labor day.
PADINI got sales during the day, so we intended to go to Jusco first, after that AEON ! A lot of girls and women in padini during that dayyy. Damn it is really a shopping heaven for all da girls !
I definitely want to go there again during sales just to shop & of course grab some cheap cloths (; I know I damn cheapskate okay, love to buy things from sales. Anyway, I can save a lot, so why not right? :P

Alright, get ready to chat phone with the boyf, so let's end this post as fast as possible.
Goodnights readers, goodnights babe ! ♥

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