Dating & Fun.

Today went to parade sing k with sister again @ KBOX.
Not anyone invited but just... yeah normal dating with my beloved sister. LOL.

 Just wana go simple today.
Comb up all my fringe with my hairband, and with the sister's cloth. Didn't take photo with sister today. Since our camera is very sucks in taking picture without flash, especially in dark places. So sorry readers.

Well, it was my solo picture of today. Haha.
Damnnnnnn...I look so gentle here. LOL.

Ok, the next two photos are shot on the day before yesterday.
We having dinner with family and the cousin sister. After that, Jusco!
So here comes me and sister. Our self love photos.

I seems a bit different from the picture above huh? LOL.

Well, I've done with this simple post, so...will blog again when I got date ! :D
Something happy happened between me and the boyf just now.
Babe, (A photo a day, keep doctor away) Hahahha !

end with loves, xoxo.

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