A day out with my sweetheart during day off.

Day off day off! Supposed meet my ex at Jusco for drinking session and movie but ended up shopping with the sweetheart xiaoyee at parade due to something happened between myself and my ex. NO CHOICE. Xiaoyee asked me whether want go parade with her or not and even though I am exhausted by the previous night-call but I still have the mood to go shopping with the sweetheart. I miss her. Hahahs!
So, used one and half hour to finished make up, and dressing. That's what girls usually do :*)

Bought nothing today. TOO BAD!
PICS PICS PICS ! dangg dangg * :D
MP-ing after done our all day shopping. Realized that today we eat alots of food @@
Snap photo with my Red finger nails.
It's been sometime since last month we sitting down together Heart-To-Heart talk, we always comfort each other when we facing some problem. I will be there for you no matter what, love you tones! Shy*
The sweetheart, Xiaoyee.
Alright, I think I've to stop here.
Got to go now for dinner with dad and mom. Tata, xoxo.