My Awesome Genting Trip With The Boyf.

 CONTINUE my genting post...
Well, long time never had trip with my boyf, and this genting trip was really quite happy for me! (;

When we were on the way to genting,

When we reached to the entrance,

Take picture with the London Bus.
anyway that's my silly babe. I love him so much !

Feeling like a kid seriously ! ;)

 Just to accompany this little boy, as long he is happy. Haha !

Picture spot here.

My boyf asked me to make this pose. -.-'

Actually I don't know why this picture will became like that ..

Take picture in the merry go round ..

In the end, after playing all the games, we went to MCD just to buy chocolate ice-cream..
After that, we direct went down to Cheras pasar malam to have our dinner..

Goodnight everyoneeee !

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